x## # A tibble: 3 × 2
## id some_variable
## <dbl> <chr>
## 1 1 x1
## 2 2 x2
## 3 3 x3
Lesson for Monday, April 7, 2025–Friday, April 11, 2025
There is a short lesson this week! You’ll learn the basics of joining two different datasets together, both vertically and horizontally.
There are a few imaginary datasets I’ve created for you to play with:
y## # A tibble: 3 × 2
## id some_other_variable
## <dbl> <chr>
## 1 1 y1
## 2 2 y2
## 3 4 y4
national_data## # A tibble: 9 × 5
## state year unemployment inflation population
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 GA 2018 5 2 100
## 2 GA 2019 5.3 1.8 200
## 3 GA 2020 5.2 2.5 300
## 4 NC 2018 6.1 1.8 350
## 5 NC 2019 5.9 1.6 375
## 6 NC 2020 5.3 1.8 400
## 7 CO 2018 4.7 2.7 200
## 8 CO 2019 4.4 2.6 300
## 9 CO 2020 5.1 2.5 400
national_data_2019## # A tibble: 3 × 4
## state unemployment inflation population
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 GA 5.3 1.8 200
## 2 NC 5.9 1.6 375
## 3 CO 4.4 2.6 300
national_libraries## # A tibble: 6 × 4
## state year libraries schools
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 CO 2018 230 470
## 2 CO 2019 240 440
## 3 CO 2020 270 510
## 4 NC 2018 200 610
## 5 NC 2019 210 590
## 6 NC 2020 220 530
national_libraries_2019## # A tibble: 2 × 3
## state libraries schools
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 CO 240 440
## 2 NC 210 590
puerto_rico_data## # A tibble: 3 × 4
## state unemployment population year
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 PR 3.1 150 2018
## 2 PR 3.2 250 2019
## 3 PR 3.3 350 2020
state_regions## # A tibble: 51 × 2
## region state
## <chr> <chr>
## 1 West AK
## 2 South AL
## 3 South AR
## 4 West AZ
## 5 West CA
## 6 West CO
## 7 Northeast CT
## 8 South DC
## 9 South DE
## 10 South FL
## # ℹ 41 more rows
Combining datasets vertically
Recall from the Lord of the Rings data in exercise 3 that you had to combine three different CSV files into dataset. You used bind_rows()
to stack each of these on top of each other.
<- bind_rows(fellowship, tt, rotk) lotr
That worked well because each of the individual data frames had the same columns in them, and R was able to line up the matching columns. If columns were missing, R would have placed NA
in the appropriate locations.
Combine national_data
and puerto_rico_data
into a single dataset named us_data
using bind_rows
. Pay attention to what happens with the inflation column. Also notice that the columns in the Puerto Rico data are in a different order.
<- bind_rows(national_data, puerto_rico_data)
us_data us_data
Combining datasets horizontally
Binding rows vertically is the easiest way to combine two datasets, but most often you won’t be doing that. You’ll only do this if you’re combining datasets that come from the same source, like if a state offers separate CSV files of the same data for each county.
In most cases, though, you’ll need to combine completely different datasets, bringing one or more columns from one into another. With vertical combining, R needs column names with the same names in order to figure out where the data lines up. With horizontal combining, R needs values inside one or more columns to be the same in order to figure out where the data lines up.
There is technically a function named bind_cols()
, but you’ll rarely want to use it. It doesn’t attempt to match any rows—it just glues two datasets together:
# Repeat PR 3 times so that it has the same number of rows as national_data
bind_rows(puerto_rico_data, puerto_rico_data, puerto_rico_data))
## New names:
## • `state` -> `state...1`
## • `year` -> `year...2`
## • `unemployment` -> `unemployment...3`
## • `population` -> `population...5`
## • `state` -> `state...6`
## • `unemployment` -> `unemployment...7`
## • `population` -> `population...8`
## • `year` -> `year...9`
## # A tibble: 9 × 9
## state...1 year...2 unemployment...3 inflation population...5 state...6
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>
## 1 GA 2018 5 2 100 PR
## 2 GA 2019 5.3 1.8 200 PR
## 3 GA 2020 5.2 2.5 300 PR
## 4 NC 2018 6.1 1.8 350 PR
## 5 NC 2019 5.9 1.6 375 PR
## 6 NC 2020 5.3 1.8 400 PR
## 7 CO 2018 4.7 2.7 200 PR
## 8 CO 2019 4.4 2.6 300 PR
## 9 CO 2020 5.1 2.5 400 PR
## # ℹ 3 more variables: unemployment...7 <dbl>, population...8 <dbl>,
## # year...9 <dbl>
That’s… not great.
Instead, we need to use a function that is more careful about bringing in data. Fortunately there are a few good options:
The most helpful way of understanding these different functions is to go here and stare at the animations for a little while to see which pieces of which dataset go where. (There are lots of others, like full_join()
, semi_join()
, and anti_join()
, and they have helpful animations, but I rarely use those.)
For each of these functions, you need at least one common ID column in both datasets in order for R to know where things line up.
Let’s practice how these all work and see what the differences between them are.
First, go to this page in a new tab and stare at the mesmerizing animation.
Let’s look at two datasets, x
and y
x## # A tibble: 3 × 2
## id some_variable
## <dbl> <chr>
## 1 1 x1
## 2 2 x2
## 3 3 x3
y## # A tibble: 3 × 2
## id some_other_variable
## <dbl> <chr>
## 1 1 y1
## 2 2 y2
## 3 4 y4
Both datasets have an id
column that is the same across each (though the values aren’t necessarily the same). Because there’s a shared column, we can join these two based on that column.
If we use inner_join()
, the resulting dataset will only keep the rows from the first where there are matching values from the second:
inner_join(x, y, by = join_by(id))
## # A tibble: 2 × 3
## id some_variable some_other_variable
## <dbl> <chr> <chr>
## 1 1 x1 y1
## 2 2 x2 y2
Notice how it got rid of the row with id = 3
from the first and the row with id = 4
from the second.
You can also write this with pipes, which is really common when working with {dplyr}:
x inner_join(y, by = "id")
## # A tibble: 2 × 3
## id some_variable some_other_variable
## <dbl> <chr> <chr>
## 1 1 x1 y1
## 2 2 x2 y2
Let’s say we have two datasets: national_data_2019
and national_libraries_2019
national_data_2019## # A tibble: 3 × 4
## state unemployment inflation population
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 GA 5.3 1.8 200
## 2 NC 5.9 1.6 375
## 3 CO 4.4 2.6 300
national_libraries_2019## # A tibble: 2 × 3
## state libraries schools
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 CO 240 440
## 2 NC 210 590
We want to bring the libraries and schools columns into the general national data. Notice how both datasets have a state column.
Create a new dataset named combined_data
that uses inner_join()
to merge national_data_2019
and national_libraries_2019
<- inner_join(national_data_2019, national_libraries_2019, by = join_by(state))
# Piping with |> also works
<- national_data_2019 |>
combined_data inner_join(national_libraries_2019, by = join_by(state))
Again, go to this page in a new tab and stare at the animation.
Left joining is less destructive than inner joining. With left joining, any rows in the first dataset that don’t have matches in the second don’t get thrown away and instead are filled with NA
left_join(x, y, by = join_by(id))
## # A tibble: 3 × 3
## id some_variable some_other_variable
## <dbl> <chr> <chr>
## 1 1 x1 y1
## 2 2 x2 y2
## 3 3 x3 <NA>
Notice how the row with id = 4
from the second dataset is gone, but the row with id = 3
from the first is still there, with NA
for some_other_variable
I find this much more useful when combining data. I often have a larger dataset with all the main variables I care about, perhaps with every combination of country and year over 20 years and 180 countries. If I find another dataset I want to join, and it has missing data for some of the years or countries, I don’t want the combined data to throw away all the rows from the main big dataset that don’t match! I still want those!
(Look at this for a real life example: I create a dataset I name panel_skeleton
that is just all the combinations of countries and years (Afghanistan 1990, Afghanistan 1991, etc.), and then I bring in all sorts of other datasets that match the same countries and years. When there aren’t matches, nothing in the skeleton gets thrown away—R just adds missing values instead.)
Create a new dataset named combined_data
that uses left_join()
to merge national_data_2019
and national_libraries_2019
by state.
<- left_join(national_data_2019, state_regions, by = join_by(state))
# Piping with |> also works
<- national_data_2019 |>
national_data_with_region left_join(state_regions, by = join_by(state))
Left joining is also often surprisingly helpful for recoding lots of variables. Right now in our fake national data, we have a column for state, but it would be nice if we could have a column for region so we could facet or fill or color by region in a plot. Hunting around on the internet, you find this dataset that has a column for state and a column for abbreviations:
state_regions## # A tibble: 51 × 2
## region state
## <chr> <chr>
## 1 West AK
## 2 South AL
## 3 South AR
## 4 West AZ
## 5 West CA
## 6 West CO
## 7 Northeast CT
## 8 South DC
## 9 South DE
## 10 South FL
## # ℹ 41 more rows
Create a new dataset named national_data_with_region
that uses left_join()
to combine national_data_2019
with state_regions
<- left_join(national_data_2019, state_regions, by = join_by(state))
# Piping with |> also works
<- national_data_2019 |>
national_data_with_region left_join(state_regions, by = join_by(state))
Because left_join()
only keeps rows from the second dataset that match the first, we don’t actually bring in all 50 rows from the state_regions
data—only the rows that match the first dataset (national_data_2019
) come over. We could have done with if some massive recoding (mutate(region = ifelse(state == "GA" | state == "NC", "South", ifelse(state == "CO"), "West", NA))
), but that’s awful. Left joining is far easier here.
You can also join by multiple columns. So far we’ve been working with just national_data_2019
, but if you look at national_data
, you’ll see there are rows for different years across these states:
national_data## # A tibble: 9 × 5
## state year unemployment inflation population
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 GA 2018 5 2 100
## 2 GA 2019 5.3 1.8 200
## 3 GA 2020 5.2 2.5 300
## 4 NC 2018 6.1 1.8 350
## 5 NC 2019 5.9 1.6 375
## 6 NC 2020 5.3 1.8 400
## 7 CO 2018 4.7 2.7 200
## 8 CO 2019 4.4 2.6 300
## 9 CO 2020 5.1 2.5 400
Previously, we’ve been specifying the ID column with by = join_by(state)
, but now we have two ID columns: state
and year
. We can specify both with by = join_by(state, year)
Create a new dataset named national_data_combined
that uses left_join()
to combine national_data
with national_libraries
by state and year.
<- left_join(national_data, national_libraries,
national_data_combined by = join_by(state, year))
# Piping with |> also works
<- national_data |>
national_data_combined left_join(national_libraries, by = join_by(state, year))
If one dataset has things like state and year, but another only has state, left_join()
will still work, but it will only join where the state is the same. For instance, here’s what happens when we join the region data to the yearly national data:
<- national_data |>
national_data_with_region left_join(state_regions, by = join_by(state))
national_data_with_region## # A tibble: 9 × 6
## state year unemployment inflation population region
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>
## 1 GA 2018 5 2 100 South
## 2 GA 2019 5.3 1.8 200 South
## 3 GA 2020 5.2 2.5 300 South
## 4 NC 2018 6.1 1.8 350 South
## 5 NC 2019 5.9 1.6 375 South
## 6 NC 2020 5.3 1.8 400 South
## 7 CO 2018 4.7 2.7 200 West
## 8 CO 2019 4.4 2.6 300 West
## 9 CO 2020 5.1 2.5 400 West
The “South” region gets added to every row where the state is “GA” and “NC”, even though those rows only appear once in state_regions
. left_join()
will still match all the values even if states are repeated. Magic!
Common column names
So far, the column names in both datasets have been the same, which has greatly simplified life. In fact, if the columns have the same name, we can technically leave out the by
argument and R will guess:
national_data left_join(national_libraries)
## Joining with `by = join_by(state, year)`
## # A tibble: 9 × 7
## state year unemployment inflation population libraries schools
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 GA 2018 5 2 100 NA NA
## 2 GA 2019 5.3 1.8 200 NA NA
## 3 GA 2020 5.2 2.5 300 NA NA
## 4 NC 2018 6.1 1.8 350 200 610
## 5 NC 2019 5.9 1.6 375 210 590
## 6 NC 2020 5.3 1.8 400 220 530
## 7 CO 2018 4.7 2.7 200 230 470
## 8 CO 2019 4.4 2.6 300 240 440
## 9 CO 2020 5.1 2.5 400 270 510
It’s good practice to be specific about the columns you want and actually use by
, but I will often run left_join()
without it and then copy the message that it generates (“by = join_by(state, year)
”) and paste it into my code.
But what if the column names don’t match? Let’s rename the state column in our state/region table for fun:
<- state_regions |>
state_regions_different rename(ST = state)
state_regions_different## # A tibble: 51 × 2
## region ST
## <chr> <chr>
## 1 West AK
## 2 South AL
## 3 South AR
## 4 West AZ
## 5 West CA
## 6 West CO
## 7 Northeast CT
## 8 South DC
## 9 South DE
## 10 South FL
## # ℹ 41 more rows
Now watch what happens when we try to join the datasets:
national_data left_join(state_regions_different)
## Error in `left_join()`:
## ! `by` must be supplied when `x` and `y` have no common variables.
## ℹ Use `cross_join()` to perform a cross-join.
There are no common variables, so we get an error. The state
and ST
columns really are common variables, but R doesn’t know that.
We have two options:
- Rename one of the columns so it matches (either change
or changeST
) - Tell
which columns are the same
We can do option two by modifying the by
argument like so:
national_data left_join(state_regions_different, by = join_by(state == ST))
## # A tibble: 9 × 6
## state year unemployment inflation population region
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>
## 1 GA 2018 5 2 100 South
## 2 GA 2019 5.3 1.8 200 South
## 3 GA 2020 5.2 2.5 300 South
## 4 NC 2018 6.1 1.8 350 South
## 5 NC 2019 5.9 1.6 375 South
## 6 NC 2020 5.3 1.8 400 South
## 7 CO 2018 4.7 2.7 200 West
## 8 CO 2019 4.4 2.6 300 West
## 9 CO 2020 5.1 2.5 400 West
Once again, go to this page in a new tab and watch the animation.
works exactly like left_join()
, but in reverse. The second dataset is the base data. Any rows in the second dataset that don’t match in the first will be kept, and any rows from the first that don’t match will get thrown away.
Watch what happens if we right join national_data
and state_regions
national_data right_join(state_regions, by = join_by(state))
## # A tibble: 57 × 6
## state year unemployment inflation population region
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>
## 1 GA 2018 5 2 100 South
## 2 GA 2019 5.3 1.8 200 South
## 3 GA 2020 5.2 2.5 300 South
## 4 NC 2018 6.1 1.8 350 South
## 5 NC 2019 5.9 1.6 375 South
## 6 NC 2020 5.3 1.8 400 South
## 7 CO 2018 4.7 2.7 200 West
## 8 CO 2019 4.4 2.6 300 West
## 9 CO 2020 5.1 2.5 400 West
## 10 AK NA NA NA NA West
## # ℹ 47 more rows
Yikes. R kept all the rows in state_regions
, brought in the columns from national_data
and filled most of the new columns with NA
, and then repeated Colorado (and NC and GA) three times for each of the years from national_data
. That’s a mess.
If we reverse the order, we’ll get the correct merged data:
state_regions right_join(national_data, by = join_by(state))
## # A tibble: 9 × 6
## region state year unemployment inflation population
## <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 West CO 2018 4.7 2.7 200
## 2 West CO 2019 4.4 2.6 300
## 3 West CO 2020 5.1 2.5 400
## 4 South GA 2018 5 2 100
## 5 South GA 2019 5.3 1.8 200
## 6 South GA 2020 5.2 2.5 300
## 7 South NC 2018 6.1 1.8 350
## 8 South NC 2019 5.9 1.6 375
## 9 South NC 2020 5.3 1.8 400
I rarely use right_join()
because I find it more intuitive to just use left_join()
since in my head, I’m taking a dataset and stacking columns onto the end of it. If you want to right join instead, neat—just remember to order things correctly.