class: center middle main-title section-title-4 # Enhancing graphics .class-info[ **Session 10** .light[PMAP 8921: Data Visualization with R<br> Andrew Young School of Policy Studies<br> Spring 2025] ] --- layout: true class: title title-5 --- # Typical publication workflow .box-inv-5[Create plot in R and ggplot2] -- .box-inv-5.sp-after[Export plot as a vector] -- .box-inv-5[Edit the vector in an external program<br>to make it match in-house style<br>(or just be fancy and well-designed in general)] -- .box-5.small[*or*] -- .box-inv-5[Extract parts of the vector for use in Javascript for interactivity] --- # In-house styles .pull-left[ <figure> <img src="img/10/Sawchik-MLBCatcher-0522-1.png" alt="FiveThirtyEight graph of catcher hitting trends" title="FiveThirtyEight graph of catcher hitting trends" width="100%"> </figure> ] -- .pull-right[ <figure> <img src="img/10/nyt-covid-deaths.png" alt="NYT graph of undercounted COVID-19 deaths" title="NYT graph of undercounted COVID-19 deaths" width="100%"> </figure> ] ??? --- # Hot dogs .center[ <figure> <img src="img/10/hot-dogs.gif" alt="Hot Dog Eating Contest" title="Hot Dog Eating Contest" width="100%"> </figure> ] --- # This is all changing though! .box-inv-5[This was made 100% in R and ggplot!] .center[ <figure> <img src="img/10/build-pretty-plot-1.png" alt="CO2 emissions rankings" title="CO2 emissions rankings" width="65%"> </figure> ] --- # The way of the future .box-inv-5.medium[{patchwork} and {ggtext}<br>are removing the need to edit<br>graphs by hand in Illustrator] -- .box-inv-5.small.sp-after[You can replicate an entire in-house graphic style with R alone nowadays] -- .box-5[Interactivity not quite at the same level,<br>but it's getting there with {plotly}]